Contact: Deacon Adrian Suyanto
Email: Ph: 85220300

Parent Formation Evening 2024 -Tuesday 28 May, 7pm in the Parish Hall. 

Enrol online for First Holy Communion 2024 by CLICKING HERE when enrolment is open (between 31 May to 14 June) and then attend Enrolment Masses on Saturday at 5pm or Sunday  at 8am and 6pm on 22/23 June, 2023. 

Registration is needed to participate in the sacramental program. 
The Schedule of the Program is announced at the beginning of each year, and published here. All dates for the sacraments are also printed in the church bulletins.

Sacramental Programs in 2024

There are separate programs for First Reconciliation, First Communion and Confirmation.

All programs are designed to enhance parental involvement in the preparation of their children for the Sacrament.

The programs rely on the faith commitment of the parents to prepare the children for the Sacraments of Reconciliation, Eucharist, and Confirmation. The parish acknowledges that parents are the primary teachers of their children in matters of faith. Thus the Sacraments are all parish-based. This is where our parish community, together with parents of the children enrolling in the sacrament, helps to organise and run the program. We find that these parish-based programs involve “the family” a great deal more and, together with their children, mothers, fathers and guardians can renew and revitalise their own “faith journey.”

Holy Mass

Holy Mass: Sacrifice, Celebration & Thanksgiving

At the Celebration of Mass or the Lord’s Supper, the People of God are called together into one to celebrate the memorial of the Lord’s Paschal Mystery,
the Eucharistic sacrifice. The Eucharistic Sacrifice makes the gathered community present at the Last Supper, Calvary, Christ’s entombment and the Resurrection of Christ.
It is the obligation of faithful Catholics to “keep holy the Lord’s day” through participation at the Celebration of Mass. At this gathering, following the traditions set out
in the Acts of the Apostles, singing at least some parts of the Mass is encouraged. If anyone of the parishioners is celebrating a special occasion, like a wedding
anniversary, birthday, or the anniversary of a deceased relative, he/she is welcome to arrange with the priest to join the Offertory Procession, taking gifts to the Altar.

Only baptised Catholics who have prepared themselves are invited to receive Holy Communion. Holy Communion is a sign of the oneness of faith and unity within the community,
while also being the nourishment of Christ’s body for our journey through life. The Body of Christ is given to the communicant normally in their open hand or on the tongue;
and it is to be eaten at once with devotion and reverence. Should you see anyone behaving differently, urge them to consume immediately. Sick or immobile communicants are
welcome to organise with the priest or the acolyte to receive communion at their seats.
Non-Catholics and Catholics who are not prepared to receive Holy Communion on a particular day are invited to come forward and receive a blessing from the priest or deacon.
This is indicated by placing your hand on your shoulder when approaching the priest.

Getting together on Sundays is an occasion to greet one another and to celebrate the joy of Christ together.
Making oneself available for socialising before and after Mass will enhance the celebration of God’s love.

A period of silence in the church before and after Mass will aid a devout preparation and a full and prayerful participation in the Sacred Mysteries.
The Liturgy of the Word for Children is celebrated at 10am Mass on Sundays, except during the school holidays.
Sunday night Mass is organised with the youth of the parish in mind.

Special Mass Intention Offerings

Should you wish to make an offering towards a special Mass Intention, there are Mass Intention envelopes available in the foyer of the church.
The recommended stipend for an ordinary Mass Intention is $10 and for a November Mass is $20.
Intentions could be for deceased relatives and friends or for a special petition or could be a thanksgiving for a special occasion.
Though most of the intentions for the deceased are mentioned during the Sunday Mass, the priest will celebrate a separate Mass for each of the intentions.
Mass stipends are considered as gifts to the priests and are not included in the income of the parish.

Ministers of the Altar

All parish Masses will normally have various ministers assisting at the Altar.
This is to reflect the communal nature of our Liturgy. All Ministers are trained and commissioned for the ministry.
Anyone wishing to join any of the ministries is welcome to discuss it with the Parish Priest. According to the need and suitability he will advise the volunteer.

Liturgical Decorations

Church decorations reflect the mood of the Liturgical Season. Use of Green in the decorations means it is one of the Ordinary Sundays of the Liturgical Calendar.
Red is reserved for Pentecost and Good Friday as well as the feast of Martyrs. White is for the joy of Easter, Christmas and the memory of other saints.
Violet is the penitential colour and is for Lent and Advent. White, or Purple is used for Funerals.